Options Trade

How to Ring the Register on Short Puts

Selling a put can profit from time decay, it has a high probability of profit and it presents a more conservative alternative to buying call options.

Oil’s Slide Spells Options Opportunity

Oil has fallen since its recent gains -- if you're willing to be it's low price will hold for the next month, now's the time to sell put options on the USO.

A Bull Play on Alcoa’s Tepid Expectations

Wall Street doesn't see much good coming from AA when it reports on Monday. Here's an options strategy that takes advantage of an upside surprise.

Look for Amazon’s Lofty Multiple to Shrink

As competition rises, especially in the increasingly crowded e-book and small tablet market, margins will likely suffer -- then, watch out.

Options Plays for a Resurgent Netflix

Netflix has been quite hot the past few days. But is it ready to rise further? Here are two strategies for betting -- carefully -- on a continued rebound.

Mr. VIX and Sweet 16

Short volatility strategies can be lucrative even with a VIX at 16 or 15, provided realized volatility in the market ends up being much lower.

Nike Expectations High Ahead of Earnings

Given NKE's technical backdrop, it's easy to see why options traders are far from enthusiastic. Here's an options strategy for a post-earnings stumble.

Trading Bull Calls in Biotech

One potential wild card is the pending announcement regarding the fate of "Obamacare."

Long-Range Puts for Dying Industries

Avoid the risk of shorting these troubled stocks outright by buying long-range puts.

2 Weekly Options Trades From the Oil Sector

Consider selling weekly put options on these two big-name stocks.

Research In Motion: A Bounce After Earnings?

With RIMM having put in new lows, it'll take an earnings debacle to push it down further. Here are some options strategies that bet on a relief rally.

Is SodaStream the Next Green Mountain?

Short it if you can, or use covered calls or naked puts to play this fad stock.

With Fed Announcements Behind Us, the Great Wait Begins

Given this lackluster environment, I expect the S&P 500 to be range-bound through September. To prep for that event, consider these options trading ideas.

Facebook: Should You Sell Puts or Buy Calls?

Despite FB's disappointing IPO, our outlook is that it will appreciate over the next few months.

Dining on Darden Options Ahead of Earnings

The restaurant chain reports its latest results Friday morning. While many options traders are bearish, the stock's short-term technicals support a bullish play.

MSFT Options Trade: Use Weekly Puts to Profit

Use weekly puts to profit from Microsoft's new Surface tablet.

Option Plays for 3 Internet Powerhouses

Free cash flow at these companies sets you up for easy options income using covered calls and naked puts.

The Case for Apple Straddles

Straddles are a tough trade to consistently make money with, but Apple now provides a good opportunity.

A Short-Term Option Strategy for Adobe’s Muddy Forecast

With a dual layer of technical support near $30, a bull put spread may be a solid strategy for short-term options traders right now.