Options Trade

It’ll Pay to Be Early on a Heinz Call Option

The premium is attractively low, and the company is well-positioned to get a boost from earnings.

Try a Covered Call to Profit from Carbo Ceramics’ Bounceback

Here's a way to lower risk with a good stock in a choppy market.

Use Options to Trade the Mess in Europe

Here are ways for traders and investors alike to place bets on the banks and gold prices.

How to Play the Gold Rush With LEAPS

Here's a way to avoid volatility and place some long-term bets.

Staples Looks Good for a Put Option Trade

The bullish sentiment towards SPLS is a head-scratcher. Options traders have a great opportunity with this vulnerable stock.

Plow Ahead With a Put Option on Deere

The stock has recently slumped after earnings reports. This time looks no different.

How to Trade Fear and Uncertainty

The old-fashioned play of precious metals still delivers in tough times.

Use Options to Keep Rooting Against News Corp.

Buying a put on the media giant looks like an attractive proposition.

Use Options to Trade the Coming Double Dip

It's time to follow the market sentiment and use options to trade the coming double dip.

Polo’s Earnings Pop Could Bring a Quick Profit

Here's a way to profit from a stock that usually jumps after earnings.

5 Money-Doubling Options Trades

Options traders can find money-doubling opportunities in energy, real estate and health care.

Profit With a Put on Ryland Group

Expectations for this week's profit report look elevated.

Bears Circling OpenTable

Buy a put option on OpenTable (NASDAQ: OPEN) as it drops below support.

Swipe Visa Profits With Weekly Options

An options trade on Visa (NYSE:V) Weekly options offers quick profits and known risk.

No Love at This (Radio) Shack

The stock is languishing, but there's still plenty of room on the downside. See the trade to profit from RadioShack's poor earnings.

A LULU of a Covered Call

A covered call option on a strong stock like Lululemon Athletica Inc. (NASDAQ: LULU) means income and position protection.

How to Beat the Market: 2 Short and 3 Long Short-Term Plays

Where should you invest? Here are two short-side trades and three ideas to go long that make sense now.

Silver Starts to Shine Again

Sell a put option on the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) to gain premium and lock in a purchase price.

This Natural Gas Play Is No Hot Air

A two-sided trade offers a virtually free way to profit from a rise in the United States Natural Gas Fund.