The AI Revolution

AI is everywhere. It’s in your phones. What do you think powers Siri? How does a phone recognize your face? It’s in your applications. How does Google Maps know directions and optimal routes? How does it make real-time changes based on traffic? How does Spotify create hyper-personalized playlists for you or Netflix recommend movies? AI is on your computers. How does Google suggest personalized search items for you? How do websites use chatbots that seem like real humans? Make no mistake. This decades-in-the-making “AI Revolution” is just getting started.

The Ultimate Explosive ‘Sleeper’ Tech of 2024

Wall Street isn't really talking about eVTOLs. That means you can invest before everyone else – and make fortunes as flying cars take off.

From Selloff to Surge: The Stage Is Set for September’s Market Rebound

So much for the August stock market selloff being the end of Wall Street’s monstrous 2023 rally. While stocks did retreat about 5% throughout the first three weeks of August, they’ve come surging back in the final week, and now, the S&P 500 trades within striking distance of a new high.

Prediction: AI Will Make or Break Your Portfolio in the Next Decade

AI stocks are soaring. Everything else is flat. And as we saw with the internet boom, this isn’t unusual during a new tech paradigm shift.

Winning Big in the Cutthroat AI Wars

Given estimates that AI will contribute $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030, AI stocks are set to mint millionaires very quickly.

Nvidia Just Confirmed an Emerging AI Boom in Biotech

It takes about $900 million and 13.5 years to develop a new successful drug; but not for long. AI is turning that entire process on its head.

What Will Freedom Mean As AI Continues Its Rapid Ascent?

In a world where AI rules everything, we could be sitting at 20%-plus unemployment levels – and it would last for years.

AI Offers an Epic Make-or-Break Moment for Investors

The internet’s public launch in the early '90s provided a seminal moment for every human being on the planet. And AI offers the same today.

Soft Inflation Data Confirms New Bull Market in Tech Stocks

When a Fed pause meets a new technological paradigm shift, the rally in tech stocks tends to last. And that's what we have today with AI.

World’s Largest Money Manager Joins the AI Mania

BlackRock is the world’s largest money manager for a reason. It excels when it comes to money management. And it’s going all-in on AI.

How AI Could Fix Soaring Texas Power Prices

This isn’t a Texas power problem. The world’s energy infrastructure needs an AI upgrade, creating an exciting investment opportunity.

How to Profit From the Intelligence Age With AI Stocks

Some AI stocks could really soar over the next few years, and thanks to the incoming Fed pause, the mega gains could begin this week.

It’s Time to Bet Big on AI

Grab AI stocks while they’re still dirt-cheap. As companies continue to implement automation solutions, those stocks will soar.

Uncover the Top 7 AI Stocks to Buy Right Now

Some investors will make fortunes from AI. Others won’t. And the difference will come down to whether you own the right AI stocks today. 

Grab the Best AI Stocks Before They Really Blast Off

Everything is at stake in the emerging Age of AI. That's why it's time to pile into the best AI stocks before they soar to the moon.

AI: An Endless Opportunity or Existential Threat?

Whether the emergence of AI creates opportunity or risk for you depends on the moves you make over the next few weeks.

Sneak a Peek Into the Powerful New AI Economy With ChatGPT

As AI like ChatGPT gets infinitely better and cheaper, it will become a ubiquity just like the internet, unlocking a $15 trillion market.

Hedge Funds Are Buying These AI Stocks

According to recent 13-F filings, hedge fund managers poured millions of dollars into AI stocks in the first quarter of 2023.

Capitalize on the Emerging Age of AI for Hefty Profits

Investors who realize the value of AI have the chance to make fortunes, just like investors of internet stocks following the iPhone's release.

How to Spot the Winning Needles in the Growing AI Haystack

If you’re looking to profit from this emerging artificial intelligence megatrend, we’ve got two words for you: narrow AI.