Bernanke Boosts the Dow — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Markets shrugged off the news in Cyprus and instead focused on comments from Bernanke. All major indexes rallied on the day to finish well ahead by the close

8 Companies Increasing Dividends

Deere and Nordstrom were among a handful of companies that announced boosts to their regularly dividend payouts to investors this week.

Sow the Seeds of Retirement With Deere

Equipment maker Deere's sales are headed in the right direction, and the company should be a huge beneficiary of a global mega-trend.

How to Profit From the Coming Food Boom

The growing demand for food around the world opens up the opportunities for both manufacturers and suppliers of that food, and investors should take advantage

GE, Comcast Go Dealing — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

CMCSA's buyout of remaining NBCUniversal stake sends it and General Electric higher, though the broader indices saw more mixed, muted results.

Good Day For Luxury, Lipstick — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

Luxury names Michael Kors and Fossil headed higher on earnings news Tuesday, as did beauty products mainstay Avon.

10 Events That Shaped Financial Markets in 2012

Events from the past year will help to shape what happens in 2013, and here's a list of what might be good for investors in the upcoming year

Warren Buffett Is Rotating Into Riskier Sectors. Should You?

Warren Buffett's recent moves have been dissected, but just because the Sage of Omaha makes a move doesn't mean you have to follow that lead.

Should I Buy Deere Stock? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Choppy days are still ahead, but longer term it should thrive. So, do what Warren Buffett is doing and buy on weakness.

Forget the Ferts — Buy Seeds and Tractors

The long-term trends favoring fertilizer stocks remain in place, but shorter-term, your best ag bet might be in seeds and agricultural equipment.

Tough Times for Retirement Saving Call for …

... Calm. There are plenty of ways to get through this painful downturn without flipping out. Here are some strategies for coping.

What Is Warren Buffett Buying?

A look at the newest Warren Buffett buys and sells, and what they say about the broader direction of the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio.

Buffett’s Berkshire Reveals Most Recent Buys, Sells

Regulatory filings by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway revealed that the firm has acquired shares of Deere and GM, while selling shares of P&G and CVS.

3 Ways to Turn More People Into More Money

One of the biggest trends you can bank on is the simple fact that Earth is getting more and more crowded.

3 Machinery Stocks to Sell Now

The ratings of three Machinery stocks are down this week, according to the Portfolio Grader database. Each of these rates a "D" ("sell") or "F" overall ("strong sell").

3 Steady Machines That Can Power Your Retirement

If you're looking to add retirement stocks to your portfolio, consider dividend payers a little down on their luck. These three will reward your patience over time.

Hedge Your Way into Deere With a Short Put

Waiting for more attractive prices to own DE? This strategy -- a cash-secured put -- can make you money in the meantime.

Catch the Sweet Smell of Fertilizer Stocks

Mosaic's earnings miss sent a scare into investors of fertilizer and agriculture stocks, but the sector has some compelling fundamentals in its favor.

Deere Looks Ready to Leap

This ag-equipment play looks poised for a pop higher in advance of its quarterly report next month.