Financial stocks

Discover Financial’s Crazy Climb Can’t Continue … Can It?

The odds against it are growing, particularly if markets start backpedaling. But crazier things have happened, and this stock continues to surprise.

ING: Lower Earnings Miss Q2 Forecasts

Dutch bank ING Groep reported lower second-quarter earnings that missed analysts' expectations as it shed risky Spanish assets.

Feds Profit on AIG, but TARP Is Still a Loss

Taken all together, the government bailouts may not be a moneymaker, but economically and socially they've been a success.

Buffett Still Can’t Find a Big Buyout Bargain

Are stocks really cheap if Berkshire is having this much trouble trying to suss out a large acquisition? It might be a sign that the big game aren't undervalued.

Should Alarms Be Ringing for Canadian Banks?

As S&P's recent outlook cut shows, rising household debt is an increasing peril. Still, the sector isn't coming apart. Here's why.

The Best Big Bank Stocks to Own: Wells Fargo, U.S. Bancorp

Healthier balance sheets, loan growth and ultra-low mortgage rates are fueling record results in these two bank stocks.

Option Plays for Election Outcomes

Both the stock market and politics are couched in uncertainty. The good news is options are perfect when it comes to hedging your portfolio for such circumstances.

Don’t Invest in Fortress Investment Group

Fortress Investment Group might have a 5% yield, but that rate can't last for a company with no profits and spotty revenues.

Upon Further Review, eBay IS a Growth Stock

PayPal has become a brand name in payment processing, and I’m starting to see just how big it could be. But, there's even more.

Is 7.8% Dividend Reason Enough to Buy a Bank Stock?

As long as it's giving 90% of its earnings to investors, NYB will have trouble sustaining its dividend payout.

GE Is Back to Firing on (Most) Cylinders

Despite tough times, the giant conglomerate is growing stronger amazingly well. Here's more on why GE looks like a good long-term bet.

Wall Street Reform Turns Two: Is It Working?

Dodd-Frank -- all 848 pages of it and still only 30% complete -- has had its victories, its failures ... and its unintended consequences.

Even a Profitable BofA Shows Banking’s Risks

Financials are propping up earnings season -- thanks to easy comparisons. But they have miles to go and many headwinds to overcome before returning to health.

Should I Buy Goldman Sachs? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Value investors may spy a bargain worth hanging on to for the long haul, but in the short term, stay away. The risks are too daunting to chance it now.

New Alpha & Beta ETF Is All About Strategy

A new actively managed fund uses a swath of strategies to beat the S&P 500 and bonds. Two leveraged financial ETFs also recently came to market.

4 Regional Banks That Beat the Big Boys

Why worry about all the headwinds slowing the giant money-center banks? Here are some solid alternatives that go beyond the usual suspects.

Wells Fargo’s Record Profits Show Housing on the Mend

Wells Fargo posted all-time high quarterly profits thanks to better results in mortgages and retail banking -- good news for WFC, and for the market.

JPMorgan Has a Cold, Not Pneumonia

JPMorgan Chase's second-quarter earnings and Friday's rally prove that everything is relative to expectations -- at least in the daily scrum of trading.

Bracing for an Ugly Earnings Season

Don't look now, but the slowdowns in Europe and China are hurting corporate profits. If stock prices don't already reflect this, it could mean trouble.