Natural Gas Stocks and Utilities

The stock market appears to be driven by natural gas, making natural gas companies stable investments with great returns. New fracking technologies, combined with a new gas deal between China and Russia, has put the natural gas industry in prime position to explode. Of the various ways to invest in natural gas, a few of the best include Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) and Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB).

Natural Gas Utilities Sector Quote (CIX: MSECTOR912)

CB&I-Shaw Is a Deal Built for Growth

The $3 billion buyout has its skeptics, but it creates an energy infrastructure superpower at the perfect time. It should be a long-term win for investors.

A Big Chill for Shell’s Arctic Drilling Plans

A series of regulatory hangups, poor summer weather and outright accidents is putting billions of spending in jeopardy. Shell still has a long road ahead.

Did Conoco Cut Off a Valuable Arm?

Its first earnings report after spinning off Phillips 66 as a refiner wasn't promising. Conoco's dependence on oil prices for profits became all too clear.

A Pure Play in Natural Gas X 2

UNG and BOIL offer two ways to capture the inevitable rise in natural gas.

Natural Gas Finally Shows Some Spark

Rising demand and falling supplies have prices moving up. It's creating a good opportunity to get into the sector while share prices are still depressed.

Pengrowth Energy: The Perils of Chasing Yield

A dividend cut at this struggling natural gas stock serves as a lesson: Even though the yield still looks enticing, it's clearly not sustainable.

China’s Energy-Buying Binge Is Just Starting

CNOOC's $15 billion grab of Canada's Nexen means more deals are coming, particularly in Canada. Here are some possibilities for the next to go.

Surging Drill Rig Rates Will Fuel Noble

One of Noble's newest state-of-the-art rigs is now contracted to Anadarko for $618,000 a day -- and more of these super-capable deepwater rigs are on the way.

Patriot: Coal Mining’s Canary

Patriot's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing could start a parade. Beware of falling coal miners -- this is no time to be bargain-hunting amid the rubble.

For Europe, Shale Gas Is No Panacea

Europe has plenty of reserves. Getting them out is the hard part, especially considering the widespread environmental and political opposition to fracking.

East Coast Drivers Catch a Big Break

A last-minute deal between Sunoco and Carlyle will keep the region's biggest refinery open. And Carlyle says it'll make major upgrades so it can use cheaper WTI.

A Chill for Energy in Q2

Tumbling crude and natural gas prices were the quarter's top stories. But Iran's saber-rattling and CEO shenanigans at Chesapeake also scored high.

Energy Independence: Reviving U.S. Factories

Our country's shale natural-gas boom could usher in a new era of American manufacturing dominance. Here's how long-term investors can benefit from the resurgence.

The Toxic Past Haunting Anadarko’s Future

Anadarko’s legal headache can be traced back to its 2006 acquisition of Kerr-McGee’s oil and gas assets (along with its toxic legacy). Now APC is facing a $25B lawsuit thanks to that deal.

Halliburton’s Gum Problem Creates a Buy

Thanks to a shortage of a key fracking compound -- Halliburton had to slash its margin estimates. Take advantage while the stock is getting a beat down.

The Right Chesapeake to Buy: Midstream Partners

The drama at Chesapeake Energy has resulted in the company having to put prized assets up for sale, including its entire interest in Midstream Partners.

Energy Independence: Fracking’s Downside

Addressing pollution concerns -- particularly about water quality -- is key to the shale boom's success. Our water is as important as our energy. We need both.

How Has Chesapeake’s Aubrey McClendon Survived?

It's a wonder that the company hasn't fired controversial CEO Aubrey McClendon yet. But with the board getting revamped, that could change soon.

Just Walk Away From Chesapeake

Sure it's cheap, but it also has far too many serious problems -- even if Carl Icahn sees the mess CEO McClendon has made as an opportunity.