Options Trade

A Good Deal from Chipotle Weekly Options

I can't help but laugh at criticisms of Chipotle Mexican Grill. With weekly CMG options, you can laugh with me -- all the way to the bank.

5 Rules for Selling Options for Profits

Generating income from options strategies takes time and knowledge, and here are five plus-one rules to help you find your way through.

Amazon Spikes After Earnings, But Details Breed Caution

Amazon earnings surprised the Street, but further upside may be hard to come by.

Trading the Golden Coil with Straddles

A straddle trade benefits from increased volatility or a sharp move, both of which seem increasingly likely from gold.

Options Trading and the “Sell in May” Phenomenon

Whether or not you believe in "Sell in May and Go Away," there are options strategies to take note of during the summer doldrums.

3 Relative-Strength Leaders to Buy on the Dip

The combination of relative strength and technical indicators offers three candidates for bullish options traders.

3 Ways to Play Gaming Sector Earnings

Three options trading ideas to consider as earnings season ramps up for the gaming sector.

Is it Time to Buy Chesapeake Energy?

Option strategies to consider if Chesapeake Energy (CHK) has reached a bottom.

Make Your Own Dividend with Bank of America

Sell a put or trade a buy-write to collect quick premium on Back of America shares.

3 Option Strategies for Dow Earnings

Reviewing the backdrop of Dow industrial stocks (and considering potential options strategies) ahead of their earnings reports.

3 Tasty Pre-Earnings Options Strategies

Consider these limited-reward, limited-risk option trading ideas ahead of earnings.

One Way to Trade Apple (AAPL) Ahead of Earnings

Consider a May bull put spread to capture premium in Apple ahead of its highly anticipated earnings announcement.

Under Armour Earnings Beat Spurs Breakout

Under Armour volatility collapses after earnings, making option buying a more attractive strategy.

A Post-Earnings Trade Idea on M&T Bank

MTB issued positive earnings and looks strong from a technical perspective, making the stock a long-call candidate.

Chipotle Rewards Volatility Sellers

Chipotle falls after earnings, but not as much as options prices were predicting.

Curb the High Cost of Child-Rearing with these Call Trades

Try to make back a little of the money spent raising a child with long calls on these baby-friendly companies.

A Bullish Trading Idea on Lowe’s Companies

Lowe's has a strong fundamental and technical backdrop, making it a solid covered call candidate.

3 Dow Industrial Earnings Plays

Consider these option trading ideas on three blue-chip names before they report earnings this week.

Stuck In the Middle with Your Portfolio? Consider Options.

Options strategies can be profitable even while the broad market treads water.