Precious Metals

Precious metals, most notably gold, silver, and platinum, have always held monumental value in economies, partly because of their grandiose glimmer and partly because of their practical use. These metals are usually seen as safe bets, as they keep their value and are limited in quantity. Today, these metals are traded as commodities, though many investors opt to invest in precious metal funds like Vanguard Precious Metals And Mining Fund Investor Shares (MUTF:VGPMX) and USAA Precious Metals and Minerals Fund (MUTF:USAGX) instead.

Silver Wheaton Has Gold in its Veins

This option trade in Silver Wheaton (NYSE: SLW) offers low risk and a respectable return.

Market Fireworks About to Fizzle

Investors should expect to see some profit-taking in the early part of this week.

Stocks Like AAPL and JPM May Hold the Keys to the Market

The market is unlikely to power higher without the participation of high-beta stocks.

Don’t Miss GLD’s Next All-Time High

The SPDR Gold Shares (NYSE: GLD) are gearing up for a breakout that should take the popular ETF to yet another new high.

Grab Silver Profits With SLV

A covered call option on the iShares Silver ETF (NYSE: SLV) earns premium and lowers the break even price.

Profit as Gas and Silver Rebound

Options traders should buy calls on U.S. Gasoline Fund (NYSE: UGA), DB Agriculture Fund (NYSE: DBA), Silver Wheaton (NYSE: SLW).

Gold and Silver Look to Rally

Investors should see a rally in silver through the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) and in gold through the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD).

Gold is Ready to Regain its Shine

Precious metals will rally. Look to ProShares Ultra Gold ETF (NYSE: UGL), Gammon Gold Gammon Gold (NYSE: GRS), Tanzanian Royalty Exploration (AMEX: TRE).

How You’ll Know When to Buy Metals and Energy Again

A breakdown in a dollar ETF could be the signal traders are looking for.

How to Invest Amid a Summer of All Fears

Contagion in euro zone, a rallying U.S. dollar and falling precious metals may pose opportunities for investors who short European banks and play gold and silver ETFs.

Is This the End of the Market Rally?

Stocks and commodities got clobbered yesterday, but has the trend changed?

Don’t Get Caught in the Silver Trap

Silver may be rebounding, but the sell-off likely isn’t finished. And investors who buy too soon will get burned.

Commodity Sell-off Highlights Real Winners

The commodity-based stocks that fared well in the face of declining prices are the strongest of the bunch.

Retracement of Metals Starts Now

Use options to profit from the rally in precious metal proxies like the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD) and the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV).

Silver Offers Options Profits for the Savvy

Careful options traders can profit on iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) with covered calls, and bull call and put spreads.

Mine SLV Below 50-day Moving Average

Investors should average into positions in the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) on declining prices.

Precious Metals Should Reign King After Short Correction

Investors can expect the U.S. dollar to fall sharply to its lows made in 2008, and another sharp rally in gold and silver.

2 Emerging Market Mining Stocks to Buy

If left-leaning Peruvian presidential candidate loses, these emerging market mining stocks are likely to see shares surge.

Use GLD and SLV Options to Beat Inflation

Combat inflation with options on SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD) and the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV).