3 Ways to Hedge the September Swoon

September is the second-worst performing market month of the year. Here are three ways to improve your odds against that cloudy outlook.

Traders May Want to Start September on the Sidelines

Volatility is likely to pick up next month, but the overall direction of the market is unclear.

Apple’s Volatility Is Abuzz

Apple's market cap milestone also came alongside a surge in implied volatility, teaching us two important lessons.

Stocks Need a Little Help From the Headlines

The market's current triple top is anything but usual. If we're going to see some more upward momentum, we need positive news.

The Bond Bull Isn’t Done Chargin’

This week's bond market sell-off turned heads, but it's merely a gust against the prevailing downward winds.

With VIX This Low, What You Need to Know

Is the current sub-16 VIX saying it's "time to go"? A closer look at some recent history says, not necessarily. But the caution flag is clearly waving.

Dow Issues New Buy Signal

The market continues to climb a "wall of worry," but traders should remain cautious.

Dow Appears to be Forming a Triple-Top

Volume and breadth continue to shrink, and the stochastic has issued a short-term sell signal.

Peace, Love and Happiness in the Market

Market conditions at least viewed through the lens of the VIX are looking good at this point, but investors should not jump in too soon.

Unconventional Breakout Should Not Be Trusted

Low volume and weak breadth do not bode well for the bulls.

Is the Fed Trying to Pull One Over on Investors?

The Fed seems to be employing one of its most effective powers -- one that it turns to when it has few other options.

Can Fed Prop Up a Market That Is Rapidly Breaking Down?

Despite rumors of QE3, the NYSE Composite is on the cusp of issuing another sell signal.

All Technical Signs Now Bullish

With just a small push higher we will confirm the short-, intermediate- and long-term trends are up.

Fear Is on the Ropes

Despite the S&P 500's six-day sell-off, the VIX is hardly rising. What's behind this relative lack of volatility during a stock price drop?

Mr. VIX and Sweet 16

Short volatility strategies can be lucrative even with a VIX at 16 or 15, provided realized volatility in the market ends up being much lower.

Expect Unusually Heavy Selling Pressure

VIX is indicating traders are hedging against a further market decline.

17 Stocks the VIX’s Buy Signal Will Help Boost

Look for short-term bullish opportunities for these 17 companies that are moving into technically stronger trading trends.

5 Popular Stocks Get the VIX Treatment

CBOE Stock VIXes track the implied volatility of AAPL, AMZN, GS, GOOG and IBM.

Charts Point Lower Despite Temporary Optimism

Headlines caused stocks to rally, but volume and breadth continue to favor the bears.