Cablevision Suit Threatens Paid-TV Industry

Cablevision's antitrust suit against Viacom for forcing unwanted channels on customers could help turn the paid-TV model on its head.

NBC Dealt Crushing Blow in February Sweeps

NBC, which won the November sweeps, looks like it will finish behind Univision in this month's sweeps period, with a dismal rating among adults viewers.

Comcast Shines Brighter Than Ever

Media stocks in general are probably ready for a breather after the year they've had -- but CMCSA still has room to move up more.

Why Weird REITs Are Wonderful for Investors

Because they are non-traditional, specialty REITs are often ignored by mainstream investors. These three picks could definitely boost your portfolio, though.

Gannett’s Earnings Beat Doesn’t Mean Much

Gannett's slight earnings beat didn't do much to excite investors, and rightfully so -- the newspaper business doesn't look any better. Still, at least one type of investor might be interested.

How Much Does a Super Bowl Ad Really Cost?

It's a closely guarded secret, but rest assured that the big names don't pay the sticker price of $3.8 million for 30 seconds.

Will CBS Unload Its Publishing Business?

CBS has announced plans to convert its lagging outdoor advertising business into an REIT ... but its Simon & Schuster publishing segment needs to go too.

Data Takes the Wheel — Thursday’s IP Market Recap

Solid economic reports on the housing and unemployment front moved market ahead broadly on the day with all three indexes posting gains

5 Reasons Why I’m Not Crazy for Buying Yahoo

Well, I said I'd take a flyer, and I have. I'm buying Yahoo. It's a contrarian call, to be sure, but here's why I'm convinced YHOO is headed higher.

6 Things to Expect From Super Bowl XLVII Ads

What can viewers of Super Bowl XLVII expect from the much-anticipated commercials? Here's an early look at a few trends.

Will It Pay to Be a Contrarian in January?

In January 2012, it paid to buy the previous year’s winners and bet against the losers. Can this contrarian trade work again in 2013?

10 Highest-Paid CEOs

The Associated Press released a list of the top earning CEOS of 2011, which is dominated by communications and technology leaders.

Monday Apple Rumors: Apple Second in U.S. Cell Phone Sales

Apple now ranks second in U.S. cell phone sales due to the iPhone 5; some iMacs are assembed in the U.S.; and iTunes would be a media heavyweight on its own.

A Mouse-Size Step for Disney’s Dividend

The latest hike ain't much, but it does give investors another reason to stay interested. After all, a strong stock is Disney's biggest draw.

NBC Leaves ABC, CBS, FOX in the Dust

NBC is topping the TV ratings charts again with a number of popular shows after years of bleeding viewers.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Some of InvestorPlace's top stock picks in toys, technology, media and housing can be bundled into ETFs instead for a little portfolio protection.

The 7 Worst Dow Dividend Stocks for October

Sure, some of these Dow Jones companies have a few things going for them, but their skimpy dividends don't win them any friends among income investors.

Apple and CBS Are Too Cheap to Ignore

These two companies are big, undervalued names, and both are poised to benefit from changing video consumption habits.

For Media Companies, Sports Sure Ain’t Cheap

The amount media companies are paying for broadcasting rights just keeps climbing. How much longer until consumers and shareholders feel the burn?