
Commodities Commodities are resources and products that have an equivalent utility to the consumer. The resource is then sold at in high volume at a fluctuating market price. For instance, no matter where or how it is acquire, a bushel of wheat holds the same market value. Because of this, all wheat can be clumped together and sold collectively on the commodities market.
The commodities market can be segmented into several categories including agriculture, livestock, energy, precious metals, industrial metals, and other. Agriculture includes commodities such as corn, wheat, and coffee, while livestock includes cows and hogs. Energy commodities are resources like crude oil, propane and ethanol. Precious metals include gold, silver, and platinum where industrial metals include lead, tin, and copper. The investor interest in commodities is increasing, even more so because the prices of commodities are on the rise.

Peak Oil Stock That’s Good to the Last Drop

Core Laboratories’ tricks for squeezing the last drop of crude from maturing fields will only get more valuable as reserves dwindle.

4 Must-See Charts

Traders can find clues to the market’s next move in semis, commodities and the U.S. dollar.

Falling Gasoline Prices Should Heat Up Investments

Gas prices are set to decline going into the summer driving season following the sell-off in crude oil prices.

Crude Bulls and Oil Price Bears Both Have a Point – But Who is Right?

Crude oil prices are in flux, and there are compelling arguments for both bulls on commodity inflation and bears who say gasoline and oil prices will flop.

How You’ll Know When to Buy Metals and Energy Again

A breakdown in a dollar ETF could be the signal traders are looking for.

How to Invest Amid a Summer of All Fears

Contagion in euro zone, a rallying U.S. dollar and falling precious metals may pose opportunities for investors who short European banks and play gold and silver ETFs.

3 Ways to Short Commodities

The strategy can be both volatile and profitable.

Why Commodities Got Clobbered This Week

Commodity prices have been volatile this week, but it's the debt markets that investors should watch when it comes to commodities - not gold, silver or crude oil.

Markman: Buy Western Gas Partners (NYSE: WES)

Master-limited partnership (MLP) Western Gas Partners (NYSE: WES) is a pipeline and refinery company that has one very large customer that isn't going away: parent company and industry powerhouse Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: APC).

Is This the End of the Market Rally?

Stocks and commodities got clobbered yesterday, but has the trend changed?

Mutual Funds Spotlight – Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund

Among commodity mutual funds, the Fidelity Global Commodity Stock Fund is one of the most affordable and focuses on major oil stocks like Exxon and metal investments like BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.

Don’t Get Caught in the Silver Trap

Silver may be rebounding, but the sell-off likely isn’t finished. And investors who buy too soon will get burned.

Is Oil Headed to $90?

Crude oil prices have peaked. Investors should consider an inverse exchange-traded fund like the ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas ETF (NYSE: DUG).

Commodity Sell-off Highlights Real Winners

The commodity-based stocks that fared well in the face of declining prices are the strongest of the bunch.

What Will it Take to Turn This Market?

If the dollar resumes its downtrend, the uptrend in the stock market will most likely be re-established.

Inept Fed Creates Commodity Bubble

Market charts indicate Federal Reserve policies will bring inflation, higher interest rates and a recession.

Why This Pullback Won’t Last

The sell-off will likely end this week or early next, so investors should prepare to buy.

5 ETFs Every Diversified Investor Should Trade

If you're looking for ways to diversify your trading portfolio, these ETFs to buy represent a very solid start.

Mine SLV Below 50-day Moving Average

Investors should average into positions in the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV) on declining prices.