Energy Stocks

Energy Stocks

Most people are familiar with law of conservation of energy: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. However, looking at this theory through the lens of an economist, the law can be applied to the economy as well. Extraction of resources producing energy is a business, distribution of energy is a business, and consumption of energy to manufacture goods is a business. With energy being a vital part of the economy, it is in extremely high demand.
Because energy is and always will be in high demand, it is an extremely safe play for investors. However the plays an investor can make are endless. Energy can be invested in commodities such as crude oil or propane or in commodity ETFs. Energy stocks are also very prosperous with massive corporations such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and alternative energy stocks like SolarCity (NYSE:SCTY) among the best options.

BP Stock Still a ‘Sell’ as Legal Quagmire Continues

While BP stock holders have been afforded a small sign of legal relief, the potential for monster fines in another piece of the case still looms.

The Top 10 Stock Charts to Watch in October

Put these 10 companies on your watch list for October: Their stock charts indicate that big moves could be on the way.

As Noble Plans Split, You Should Plan to Buy

Noble plans to split into two companies, one focused on deepwater and the other shallower seas. That's a win-win for shareholders -- here's why.

Sell Coal Stocks — King Coal Gets Dealt Its Final Blow

New EPA regulations, combined with the continued threat of abundant natural gas, mean its time for investors to sell and avoid coal stocks for good.

HollyFrontier Eats Up Perpetual $3-Plus Gas

Perpetually high gas prices have set a nice floor for refiners, and HollyFrontier is among the best ways to play the industry.

Kinder Morgan Report Ends Up a Yawner

Kinder Morgan was accused of being a house of cards by one Hedgeye analyst, but when his report came out yesterday, the argument was less than convincing.

Get Out of These 2 Blue-Chip Energy Stocks (For Now)

These two titans among energy stocks have long been great holdings, but for now might be best avoided considering their flagging fundamentals.

2 Fundamentally Sound Energy Stocks to Buy

The key to making money in energy stocks: Ignore the back-and-forth of everyday headlines, and instead focus on companies with solid fundamentals.

2 Energy Funds to Power Your Portfolio

A growing global population means energy as an investing trend isn't going anywhere. However, finding the right play can be tricky, so consider leaning on these mutual funds' brainpower.

3 Stocks Leading the Alternative Energy Charge

These three stocks have a big foot forward in the alternative-energy space, and could see big rewards as these technologies take root.

5 Energy Stocks Getting Leaner and Meaner

Integrating used to be the way to go for energy stocks, but now, spinoffs and asset sales are the norm. Here are five companies getting leaner and meaner.

Statoil: Snatch Up This Norwegian Oil Producer

Exxon and Chevron might get most of the attention when talking about oil majors, but Norwegian superstar Statoil has been making some huge discoveries.

Yes, You Should Still Buy Coal Stocks

Coal is not going away no matter how much people protest, so long-term investors should have some coal stocks in their portfolio.

GDP, VOD News Lifts Markets: Thursday’s IP Market Recap

Markets moved ahead on solid economic news, setting aside Middle East concerns for at least one session as all 3 indices rose on the day.

Energy Stocks Sporting Some Serious Juice

The Syrian conflict has put a jolt into energy stocks such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron that could continue in the near-term.

2 Energy ETFs to Benefit From Global Uncertainty

The growing potential for conflict in Syria is a boon to the oil and energy sectors, and investors can benefit through these 2 ETS

Oil, Stocks Climb Higher: Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Markets rallied to avoid a third straight day of losses as energy stocks rose on continued Middle East concerns and rising oil prices.

The Top 7 Energy Stock Charts to Watch This Autumn

Big-name energy stocks have been soft of late, but there are still plenty of opportunities among the industry's smaller players.

The Upper Devonian Is a Shale Superstar

The Marcellus shale might get all the attention, but the Upper Devonian could be an even bigger draw than its twin.