Energy Stocks

Energy Stocks

Most people are familiar with law of conservation of energy: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. However, looking at this theory through the lens of an economist, the law can be applied to the economy as well. Extraction of resources producing energy is a business, distribution of energy is a business, and consumption of energy to manufacture goods is a business. With energy being a vital part of the economy, it is in extremely high demand.
Because energy is and always will be in high demand, it is an extremely safe play for investors. However the plays an investor can make are endless. Energy can be invested in commodities such as crude oil or propane or in commodity ETFs. Energy stocks are also very prosperous with massive corporations such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and alternative energy stocks like SolarCity (NYSE:SCTY) among the best options.

National Oilwell Varco Adds to Its Arsenal

Its $2.5 billion deal for Robbins & Myers gives it more weapons -- and not just in oilfield services where it's already a giant. NOV gets access to new markets.

3 Best-Bet High-Yield MLPs

Dividend investors should consider MLPs because they pay all profits back to “unit holders” in the form of “distributions.” These three are star examples.

4 Small-Ball Oil and Gas Dividend Players

It can pay to look beyond the marquee names. Consider adding these lesser-known but highly affordable companies with steady payouts to your lineup.

Should I Buy Chevron? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Energy major Chevron faces pricing issues like everybody else, but its ability to generate cash and its commitment to exploration are attractive.

Big Energy Starting to Feel the Burn

Big energy's latest slew of earnings showed that low energy prices are taking their toll. While some relief is in sight, Q3 expectations should be muted.

First Solar: Q2 Profit Jumps 81%, Shares Soar

First Solar announced second-quarter earnings that significantly exceeded Wall Street estimates while sales soared on corporate projects, sending it shares up.

3 Winners in the 1 Energy Sector to Buy Now

These three stocks are the top picks among the rebounding refiners, a sector that's been mostly overlooked lately.

CB&I-Shaw Is a Deal Built for Growth

The $3 billion buyout has its skeptics, but it creates an energy infrastructure superpower at the perfect time. It should be a long-term win for investors.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: Is Apple Planning a Stock Split?

Apple may be considering a stock split; unused "zombie apps" are the majority in the App Store; and Hulu Plus comes to Apple TV.

Should I Buy BP? 3 Pros, 3 Cons

It's certainly a better-run company now, but that may not be enough. The Gulf disaster aftermath is just one of the major problems it faces.

A Big Chill for Shell’s Arctic Drilling Plans

A series of regulatory hangups, poor summer weather and outright accidents is putting billions of spending in jeopardy. Shell still has a long road ahead.

Hold Off on Transocean for Now

Trends might point to a profitable future for Transocean, but investors will lose in the short-term with RIG's Justice Department settlement.

Did Conoco Cut Off a Valuable Arm?

Its first earnings report after spinning off Phillips 66 as a refiner wasn't promising. Conoco's dependence on oil prices for profits became all too clear.

For Uranium, an Exit From the Doghouse?

Supplies that are already tight and Japan's restart of two reactors could lead to a rebound in the sector. One company in particular should benefit.

A Call Spread Can Collect on COG

If Cabot Oil & Gas keeps its uptrend intact, this option strategy will pay off. It's a cheap way to acquire bullish exposure to a further rise in COG’s price.

Option Plays for Election Outcomes

Both the stock market and politics are couched in uncertainty. The good news is options are perfect when it comes to hedging your portfolio for such circumstances.

Natural Gas Finally Shows Some Spark

Rising demand and falling supplies have prices moving up. It's creating a good opportunity to get into the sector while share prices are still depressed.

Use USO Short Puts to Play Oil’s Dip

With oil's path of least resistance remaining sideways to higher, selling put options in the United States Oil Fund appears a reasonable strategy.

3 Buys in Offshore Oil Services

Deepwater drillers may be sexier, but these guys are essential players -- and without their technology and know-how, this energy would never get to the surface.