Energy Stocks

Energy Stocks

Most people are familiar with law of conservation of energy: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. However, looking at this theory through the lens of an economist, the law can be applied to the economy as well. Extraction of resources producing energy is a business, distribution of energy is a business, and consumption of energy to manufacture goods is a business. With energy being a vital part of the economy, it is in extremely high demand.
Because energy is and always will be in high demand, it is an extremely safe play for investors. However the plays an investor can make are endless. Energy can be invested in commodities such as crude oil or propane or in commodity ETFs. Energy stocks are also very prosperous with massive corporations such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and alternative energy stocks like SolarCity (NYSE:SCTY) among the best options.

China’s Energy-Buying Binge Is Just Starting

CNOOC's $15 billion grab of Canada's Nexen means more deals are coming, particularly in Canada. Here are some possibilities for the next to go.

GE Is Back to Firing on (Most) Cylinders

Despite tough times, the giant conglomerate is growing stronger amazingly well. Here's more on why GE looks like a good long-term bet.

6 Reasons to Buy Exxon Mobil

Exxon Mobil is the best single integrated-energy stock in the market right now. Here's why it offers the best value, quality and growth profile of any energy giant in the world.

Surging Drill Rig Rates Will Fuel Noble

One of Noble's newest state-of-the-art rigs is now contracted to Anadarko for $618,000 a day -- and more of these super-capable deepwater rigs are on the way.

Energy Independence: The Efficiency Payoff

'Drill Baby Drill' combined with saving more of the oil and gas we produce creates a surefire winner, because smarter energy use is essential for growth. Here's one way to play it.

Patriot: Coal Mining’s Canary

Patriot's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing could start a parade. Beware of falling coal miners -- this is no time to be bargain-hunting amid the rubble.

Fed Minutes Spark a Selloff — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Investors hoping for a sign of economic stimulus or easing from the Fed were let down Wednesday, putting a cramp on equities.

BP Just Can’t Win in Russia

Its joint venture with TNK is a key revenue lifeline that has helped BP cope financially in the aftermath of Deepwater Horizon. But it may soon get cut.

For Europe, Shale Gas Is No Panacea

Europe has plenty of reserves. Getting them out is the hard part, especially considering the widespread environmental and political opposition to fracking.

M&A: Where the Hotspots Are

Both the number of deals and their value are down, but there's strong signs of life if you know where to look. Here's a guide to where the action is.

A Chill for Energy in Q2

Tumbling crude and natural gas prices were the quarter's top stories. But Iran's saber-rattling and CEO shenanigans at Chesapeake also scored high.

Pipeline Superstar Enbridge Springs a Leak

An environmental mishap could be a major wrench in Enbridge's Northern Gateway project. What does it mean long-term for ENB?

Energy Mega-Caps: A Shelter in the Storm

The tendency of these three energy sector stocks to hold up well through down markets is proving that sometimes, boring is better.

Energy Independence: Reviving U.S. Factories

Our country's shale natural-gas boom could usher in a new era of American manufacturing dominance. Here's how long-term investors can benefit from the resurgence.

The Toxic Past Haunting Anadarko’s Future

Anadarko’s legal headache can be traced back to its 2006 acquisition of Kerr-McGee’s oil and gas assets (along with its toxic legacy). Now APC is facing a $25B lawsuit thanks to that deal.

New ETFs Tap Alt Energy, Accelerated Growth

An oil-sands fund and a leveraged ETN came to market last week. Here's what you can expect from the newest entrants in the category.

4 ETFs for the Coming Energy Boom

Energy and oil prices are down, but the bulls are starting to move in on stocks that may look underpriced. Here is a way to play the sector with ETF's.

Get Down & Dirty With the New Oil Sands ETF

The Sustainable North American Oil Sands ETF: It looks like a direct play on unconventional energy, but in reality, it's somewhat watered down.

Halliburton’s Gum Problem Creates a Buy

Thanks to a shortage of a key fracking compound -- Halliburton had to slash its margin estimates. Take advantage while the stock is getting a beat down.