Financial stocks

Energy’s Not Attractive Despite High Oil

The financial sector is a better place to put your money right now.

Pony Up for American Express

Stress test winner American Express has it all: Solid financial footing, growing revenues and profits, a newly raised dividend -- and an alluring valuation.

2 Terrific Values: Big Banks and Gold Shares

J.P. Morgan and US Bancorp boost dividends, while gold shares remain astonishingly cheap.

Stocks Take a Breather — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Investors mostly rested Wednesday -- except for those who hammered PR-challenged Goldman Sachs (GS).

Good Bank, Bad Bank — How to Invest After Fed’s ‘Stress Tests’

The Fed's bank stress test results are in and some financial stocks like JPMorgan passed handily. Others, like Citi, did not. So how should you invest?

An Options Strategy for Goldman Sachs Bulls

Goldman Sachs just took out month-long technical resistance; bulls can capitalize on this move with a long call.

Buy the Sleepers of This Bull Market

Financials have the best potential for a big advance.

Could New BofA Fees Hurt Financials?

Bank of America (BAC) reportedly is once again considering new fees. But it might be difficult to sour investors on the bullish financial sector.

Goldman Sachs Looks Golden for Bullish Option Traders

Goldman Sachs (GS) bulls can capitalize on the stock's and the financial sector's strength with a short-term bull put spread.

The Sector That Will Lead Us to New Highs

If the banks continue to push higher on decent volume, the market should follow.

Big Banks Lose Business as U.S. Customers Move Their Money

Large financial stocks like Bank of America and Citigroup have suffered banker defections as U.S. bank customers move money to smaller banks and credit unions.

High-Frequency Trading Is High-Tech Cheating

This high-tech cheating is skimming by algorithm -- and it impairs liquidity and efficiency for actual human investors. Here's why it's time for the SEC to take on HFT.

Credit Stocks Needn’t Fear the CFPB

Public companies in subprime credit and debt collection already follow state and federal laws, so they -- and their investors -- have little to fear.

3 ETFs to Buy for Pullback Profits

The S&P 500 is trading right at technical-resistance levels. Here's how to profit from the correction that's likely to take hold in the near future.

BGC Partners: Thriving, Cheap and a Double-Digit Dividend

BGC Partners is a spin-off of Cantor Fitzgerald, the firm that lost 658 employees on Sept. 11. It has since rebounded and is now well-positioned.

2 Techs and 1 Financial Worth Watching

These three names reported earnings this week and are looking good. Here's who -- and why.

Banks Agree to $25 Billion Foreclosure Settlement

The long-awaited deal aims to help more than 1 million Americans by lowering principal amounts due and getting $2,000 cash payments.

Why Investors Shouldn’t Overlook Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo, the nation's fourth-biggest bank, has been on a tear as of late -- yet its great financials and low valuation still have gone mostly unnoticed.

7 Warren Buffett Stocks Dishing Up Double-Digit Gains

Berkshire Hathaway's overall performance may lag the market, but Warren Buffett is doing just fine. See his best performers.