Natural Gas Stocks and Utilities

The stock market appears to be driven by natural gas, making natural gas companies stable investments with great returns. New fracking technologies, combined with a new gas deal between China and Russia, has put the natural gas industry in prime position to explode. Of the various ways to invest in natural gas, a few of the best include Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) and Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB).

Natural Gas Utilities Sector Quote (CIX: MSECTOR912)

Exxon’s First-Mover Edge in the Arctic

Its deal with Russia’s Rosneft provides access to nearly 90 billion barrels of oil equivalent in the Arctic Ocean and the Black Sea.

4 Winners From $2 Natural Gas

Natural gas has fallen under the $2 mark and is sitting around 10-year lows -- and a number of sectors couldn't be happier.

Apache Trading at a Sizable Discount to its Peers

Apache has found technical support amid a strong fundamental backdrop, and there are option strategies that can help traders benefit.

Energy Independence: Natural Gas for Cars

As transportation fuels, CNG and LNG solve a lot of problems -- if the problems of converting to them can be solved. Progress is being made.

Energy Independence: First, the Pipelines

Suddenly, America is closer to being self-sufficient. But this goal will remain out of reach until the infrastructure is built. Investors, take note.

Stock of the Day: Freidman Industries

With the fracking boom in the U.S. comes the need to provide the equipment to make it happen. Steel maker Friedman is in the right place at the right time.

3 Options Trades That Swing for the Fences

Aggressive option traders may swing for the fences with out-of-the-money options, but with the potential reward comes risk.

With Cheap Natural Gas, Who Needs Nukes?

A glut of natural gas has upended the cost-benefit of new and existing nuclear plants.

Canada’s Clash of Pipeline Titans

The ever-escalating battle pitting Enbridge against TransCanada is a must-follow for investors. Here's who has the upper hand now.

Beware of These Natural Gas Victims

Falling prices amid a growing glut are spreading lots of pain, and not just among nat gas and coal stocks. Here are three other sectors getting slammed.

Total’s North Sea Leak Should Chill Investors

The costs are rising quickly as the possible damages mount. Total's troubled Elgin well is looking more and more like a BP-style disaster.

Q&A Interview: Riding the Commodity Rollercoaster

The oil, gas, and energy industries are all subject to the vagaries of the world markets. Vanguard's Karl Bandtel offers some perspective for investors.

4 Stocks With Juicy Yields From Booming LNG Exports

Liquified natural gas burns clean and is inexpensive to move. These 4 stocks are an excellent way to play in this growing energy sector market.

A Hot Quarter for Energy

The first quarter of 2012 saw many big developments, especially in oil, and the second quarter will, too. Here's what's fueling the energy market.

Drill for Profits in These 7 Oil & Gas Stocks

Oil and gas stocks should always profit when prices and demand are high, and these seven stocks prove the point.

Daily Oil News: PetroChina Tops Exxon in Crude Production

The Chinese state-owned energy company PetroChina outpumped Exxon last year -- exceeding its daily production by 100,000 barrels.

Tapping the Mississippi Lime for Oil

Here's yet another vast U.S. energy source that's drawing new attention, thanks to advanced drilling techniques. And here's how you can play it.

Natural Gas: Winner by Default?

Smart, routine use of natural gas for transportation is still a long way away, but its prospects beat any other source you can name.

Play Argentina’s Shale Revolution With Apache

Unknown to most U.S. investors, a natural gas boom is just starting there, and Houston-based Apache makes for a good early entree.