Options Trade

Oil’s Roller Coaster Creates Cheap Options

Higher volatilty makes options on USO quite appealing right now. Here's one way to play this rare occurrence.

Which of These Airlines Isn’t Like the Others?

In this troubled sector, one bin-name surprise is cleared for takeoff, as well as options opportunities.

Time to Bet Against General Motors

This long put trade is based on GM's recent chart movements. Having formed a double top, the odds of a move lower just got better.

Go Both Ways After the TBT Reverse Split

Now that the TBT's share price has returned to a respectable level, a number of options strategies are back on the table. Here's one for bulls and one for bears.

Hedge Your Way into Deere With a Short Put

Waiting for more attractive prices to own DE? This strategy -- a cash-secured put -- can make you money in the meantime.

Beware the Bear Flag in IWM

The IWM has enjoyed a few days of upside, but the charts are signaling downside in the near term. Selling a November call spread is one way to play an impending dip.

VXX Reverse Split Won’t Halt the Grind Lower

The lofty days of 2008 are far in the past -- this maneuver just prolongs the inevitable for this much-maligned vehicle.

2 Ways to Play the Weakness in Chips

After a brief spurt of outperformance heading into August, the semiconductor sector has returned to its lackluster ways. The weakness in the Market Vectors Semiconductor…

Play the Bond Teeter-Totter

After favoring bonds since Big Ben announced QE3, it just might tilt back to stocks. If you think so, try this bear call spread on TLT.

I Got Your Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back Options

Chili's parent Brinker International (EAT) is pulling back -- just like most stocks -- and could be ripe for a covered call play.

Tough Times for Chips

Cyclical in nature, chipmakers look to be gearing up for a gap down -- but you can play it with puts. Here's a name to focus on.

Has the Risk-Off Flip Been Switched?

For the past week at least, it seems like it has. And if we're heading into a range-bound market, here's an option strategy that work out well.

Take a Steely Gaze at This Sector’s Weakness

The broader markets might be surviving this sideways trading environment, but individual sectors are fading -- especially this one.

New ETFs Focus on China and Options

Wisdom Tree debuts a less-fixated-on-financials Chinese fund, and AdvisorShares uses an options strategy to bolster returns on its new fund.

Time to Sail on Carnival Options?

Given the cruise operator's history of beating estimates, a bull call spread is a way to play an upside earnings report coming on Tuesday.

Sell the Slippery Slide in Crude

Unsurprisingly, the slippery slide in crude has resulted in renewed demand for option contracts and driven implied volatility higher. Look to sell USO options.

Exploit High Volatility Before the Earnings Boogieman Comes

Rather than trying to pinpoint a direction on Riverbed Technology, a volatility trade might be a better alternative. Here's how to attack.

5 Ways to Hit Earnings Trade Home Runs

Understanding some basic rules to analyze an options trade on earnings is a great way to profit in your portfolio with strong options plays

Banks Back in Action, Thanks to the Fed

Several banks are now seen as "powerhouses," and BAC in particular offers a short-term chance to double your money with cheap call options.