Options Trade

Apache Trading at a Sizable Discount to its Peers

Apache has found technical support amid a strong fundamental backdrop, and there are option strategies that can help traders benefit.

After Google Splits, What Options Do You Have?

Even after Google splits, it will be pretty expensive. But long options and option spread are a more affordable way to trade the stock.

Options Traders Can Squeeze More Juice Out of Apple

Apple could hit $1,200 in the next 1-3 years. Before that happens, however, consider income-generating strategies with weekly options.

3 Ways to Play Offshore Drilling’s Rebound

Deepwater exploration and production are staging a comeback.

How to Trade Chipotle Volatility Ahead of Earnings

Volatility sellers have profited following many past Chipotle earnings, but selling strangles assumes unlimited risk.

Options Plays If Starbucks Cools Off

Using $57 as a target price and the July 20 expiration, here are some strategies to consider.

Rolling Up a Bearish Bet on Bonds

Option traders sitting with a loss on their bear call spread can try shifting the trade to higher strikes.

Play the Selling Sequel with Call Spreads

Traders expecting continued broad-market lethargy could consider a limited risk, limited reward options spread strategy.

Weekly Option Plays Ahead of JPMorgan Earnings

Option traders can consider a short-term strategy before JPMorgan announces earnings tomorrow morning.

Trading El Paso’s Uptrend With Covered Calls

El Paso is fundamentally and technically strong, making it a could candidate for a short-term covered call.

2 Volatility Plays for Google’s First-Quarter Earnings

With Google set to report earnings tonight, traders can use weekly options for a volatility play.

3 Options Trades That Swing for the Fences

Aggressive option traders may swing for the fences with out-of-the-money options, but with the potential reward comes risk.

In a Down or Up Market, Gold Is the Trade

Generate income with gold and silver ETFs whether the market is moving higher or correcting.

Market May Stall Amid Lower Earnings Expectations

Consider these options strategies for a rangebound broader market.

4 Long-Term Options Trades for Baseball Season

Long-term call and put strategies on sports-releated companies can help your portfolio play ball.

Trading Lady Luck via Las Vegas Sands (LVS)

Las Vegas Sands has shown excellent relative strength of late, and a bull call spread looks like an attractive strategy.

5 ETF Options Trades to Play the Market Recovery

As the market continues to climb a Wall of Worry, option players can consider bullish and bearish plays in ETFs.

Defend Your Portfolio with a Colgate-Palmolive Long Call

Traders wanting to employ options strategies on defensive names could consider Colgate-Palmolive.

Looking for Profits with Valspar Covered Calls

Traders can use the covered call strategy to play upside in Valspar shares.