Tuesday’s Action Should Trigger a Tradable Rally

Go for the long side, but use stop-loss orders.

Are All ETF Correlations Barreling Towards 1.0?

Riskier asset classes may be seeing correlations of 1.0, but the same is not true for rate-sensitive, investment grade bonds.

Trade of the Day: iPath VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX)

The S&P was down 2.3% last week, and the VIX zoomed 32.6% higher. Yet the reality is that the recent pullback is unlikely to signal the start of a new bear market.

Shorter-Term Direction in Question, but Bull Market Remains Intact

Last week's volatile trading could mark the beginning of a panic sell-off.

Traders Should Take a Cautious Bullish Stance

Sentiment is bearish and internal indicators are grossly oversold.

Dow’s Intraday Reversal Is Impressive, But…

Serious signs of technical weakness remain.

This Sector May Be Particularly Vulnerable to a Sell-off

The strength in the U.S. dollar could mean the end to easy gains in emerging markets.

Stocks, Bonds Stall as U.S. Dollar Surges

A surging U.S. dollar kept stocks and bonds from moving much, as foreign currencies continue to fall in the face of bad news.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable; Market May Be In For a Jolt

There are signs some volatility is about to hit a market filled with overly calm and complacent investors.

Trade of the Day: iPath VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX)

The dilemma faced by people who are stuck with the textbook version of the VIX-SPX relationship reminds me of the great quote attributed to Mark Twain: "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."

Volatility Could Soar After the September ECB Meeting

A returning legion of Wall Streeters met with disappointing decisions from the ECB could drive volatility higher next week.

S&P 500 Loses 2000 as Fear Returns

Ukraine crisis escalates, other fresh concerns boil to the surface, knocking down the S&P 500 and giving volatility some life.

Trade of the Day: S&P 500 Volatility Index (VIX)

Going into September, you can cue the dirge music, because it has the worst reputation among all months. Here's how you can take advantage by trading volatility options.

With No Overhead in Sight, Today is Likely to Go to the Bulls

Nothing is set in stone, but there is room for an explosive jump to new highs.

You Should Probably Just Ignore the VIX – Linkfest (July 23)

Find out why the dreaded VIX shouldn't be so dreaded and just how much people love Chipotle burritos in today's InvestorPlace linkfest.

The Market Has a Message for the Bulls

It's telling us stocks are going to hold in the current range for the remainder of the summer or even break to new highs.

Watch These Key Support Areas on the S&P 500

The trend remains bullish until they are broken, in which case, I would look for a full 50% Fibonacci retracement.

Trade of the Day: iPath VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX)

Expect the VIX to soon return to its persistent lows -- and you’ll be well-positioned to profit from that shift if you put on this trade now.

Market Sentiment – How to Profit From Seasonal Volatility

As far as seasonality goes, implied volatility typically climbs in July, which can provide investors with a trading opportunity on VIX products.