Stay Sharp When VIX Is High

A rally in the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) can mean a troubled market but rarely a meltdown.

5 Must-See Charts for Any Trader

Things are certainly looking more bullish, but has the easy money already been made?

Sidelines May be Best Spot for Traders

Charts in S&P Index Options (CBOE: SPX) and Financial Select SPDR (NYSE: XLF) show dangerous and volatile markets for most traders.

Why You Shouldn’t Go Bottom-Fishing Today

We may be getting closer to a trading bottom, but on an options expiration day, it may be better to stay on the sidelines.

Fear Be Percolating in the VIX

The CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) jumped 17%, sending option prices higher.

VIX Rally Looks Like Real Volatility Lift

The rally in the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) appears real.

ISE Plans to Change Trading System

The International Securities Exchange plans to modify its market maker system.

Watch the S&P 500 to Test its Lows

Charts indicate the S&P 500 Index (CBOE: SPX) could test its lows of and drive below 1,250.

Market Getting Close to a Bounce

Bottoms are forming in the market, indicating a bounce is due in the SPDR Financial Sector ETF (NYSE: XLF), S&P 500 Index.

Stubborn VIX Holding Back the Goodies

Little movement in the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) is influencing low option premium levels in the SPDR S&P 500 (NYSE: SPY) despite a declining market.

Trader Bets VIX Doubles by July

Options midday trading June 8, 2011

Low Volatility VIX in Midst of Sell Off

The S&P 500 Index Options (CBOE: SPX) is down but the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) is little changed.

Financial XLF Sees Major Option Trading

Options midday trading June 7, 2011

Russell 2000 Options Top Midday Trading

Options midday trading June 6, 2011

Key S&P 500 Level Shaping Up at 1295

Watch the S&P 500 Index (CBOE: SPX), the financial XLF, iShares Russell 2000 (NYSE: IWM), and the Dow Jones Transportation Average ETF (NYSE: IYT) for market direction.

SPY Weekly Options Lead Volume Parade

Weekly options are growing in popularity with investors.

Watch VIX for Big Up Move Today

Looming weekends brings buyers to the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX). Consider going long the Fear Gauge.

Options Volume Drops 12% in May

Options volume dropped 12% in May. In midday trading the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE: SPY) and equity Nokia (NYSE: NOK) are busy as market drops.

VIX Offshoot XIV Takes Bumpy Ride to Top

The CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX) offshoot VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN (NYSE: XIV) has returned 82% to investors.