Anheuser-Busch Inbev SA Sponsored ADR (Belgium) (BUD)

$58.72 3.95 (7.21%)
19:00 EST BUD Stock Quote Delayed 30 Minutes

Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) a Hold on Poor Sales Growth

Portfolio Grader currently ranks Anheuser-Busch InBev SA NV (NYSE:BUD) a Hold. The methodology for fundamental and quantitative metrics used in this analytical tool, developed by Louis Navellier researches and ranks nearly 5,000 stocks each week. BUD has recently seen its Portfolio Grader rating upgraded from a Sell to a Hold.

Stock of Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) Recommended as a Sell

Kellogg CEO John Bryant to Retire

Anheuser Busch Sends Canned Water to Hurricane Harvey Victims

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Previous Close -
Market Cap 102.01B
PE Ratio -
Volume (Avg. Vol.) 4.91M
Day's Range $58.72 - $59.80
52-Week Range $45.94 - $67.49
Dividend & Yield $0.87 (1.49%)