Energy Stocks

Energy Stocks

Most people are familiar with law of conservation of energy: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. However, looking at this theory through the lens of an economist, the law can be applied to the economy as well. Extraction of resources producing energy is a business, distribution of energy is a business, and consumption of energy to manufacture goods is a business. With energy being a vital part of the economy, it is in extremely high demand.
Because energy is and always will be in high demand, it is an extremely safe play for investors. However the plays an investor can make are endless. Energy can be invested in commodities such as crude oil or propane or in commodity ETFs. Energy stocks are also very prosperous with massive corporations such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and alternative energy stocks like SolarCity (NYSE:SCTY) among the best options.

The Right Chesapeake to Buy: Midstream Partners

The drama at Chesapeake Energy has resulted in the company having to put prized assets up for sale, including its entire interest in Midstream Partners.

Dominion a Strong Energy Segment Play

Dominion Resources is a growing power in the energy industry, serving Virginia and parts of West Virginia and Ohio. D is a solid portfolio buy

Energy Independence: Fracking’s Downside

Addressing pollution concerns -- particularly about water quality -- is key to the shale boom's success. Our water is as important as our energy. We need both.

How Has Chesapeake’s Aubrey McClendon Survived?

It's a wonder that the company hasn't fired controversial CEO Aubrey McClendon yet. But with the board getting revamped, that could change soon.

Safer Oil Rigs: A Win-Win

New rules mandating advanced drilling gear mean fewer spills -- and more investment opportunities. One oil services company in particular stands to benefit.

Just Walk Away From Chesapeake

Sure it's cheap, but it also has far too many serious problems -- even if Carl Icahn sees the mess CEO McClendon has made as an opportunity.

My Favorite Sector for Summer: Energy

"The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” And now is the time to buy the lifeblood of modern society -- energy.

Canada Gets Serious About Energy Exports

It's seizing a rich opportunity to ship natural gas to markets around the Pacific Rim -- and investors can hitch a ride as this business expands.

Energy Nears (Relative) Support

Better hold off on any decision, though, until Europe and the credit markets recover.

Surprise! A Cooler Summer for Pump Prices

A confluence of factors has gasoline in retreat, just in time for Americans hitting the road. The prospect of $5 gas is fading, at least for now. Enjoy!

Energy Independence: Fracking the Eagle Ford

The Eagle Ford in South Texas could give Pennsylvania and North Dakota fracking success stories a run for their money. And betting on this vast new energy source could be a portfolio-changing event.

A Canadian Play on Vietnam’s Energy Riches

Talisman is beaten down now, but its long-term potential in Southeast Asia could change that. Forward-looking investors take note.

Can Conoco’s Divide-and-Conquer Plan Win?

Spinning off its refining business to focus exclusively on producing oil and gas, particularly in North America, could be brilliant -- or short-sighted.

Energy Independence: Alaska Heats Up

New technology is giving America's biggest energy player new life -- both onshore and in newly opened Arctic waters. Here's how the region could develop.

The 9 Most Interesting Charts in Energy

Energy might be the worst-performing sector in the market this year, but it's also home to nine interesting charts that might provide trading opportunities.

Latin America Still Offers Energy Plays

Despite the continent's trend toward nationalization, Brazil's Petrobras and Colombia's Ecopetrol are great buys.

Investing in Iraq’s Oil Rebirth

With the country finally undergoing a massive rebound in oil production, now's the time to explore opportunities to profit from it. Here are several.

Energy Independence: The Gulf’s Growing Role

Largely ignored after the BP disaster, the Gulf is back and becoming more important -- for the country and for investors.

What the Oil Majors’ Earnings Reveal

In a mixed quarter, refining clearly remains a sore point even as production profits continue apace. Expect the same to hold for smaller firms as well.