Volatility Soars, But VXX Still Well Off its Peak

VXX options trade at a 95 volatility right now, which sounds high in a total vacuum, but not so much in terms of actual VXX action.

The Way to Trade Greek Democracy

While Greece asks its people to vote on a bailout, there are several short-term trades we can make right now to profit from the market-wide fear in the meantime.

A Volatility Play on the Return to Normalcy

Here's a short volatility trade for a return to an uptrending market.

Tech Stocks Fail to Bail Out the Market

Many analysts have been counting on the sector, but it is faring poorly as well.

8 Charts to Watch Now

Are we destined for a late-year rally or just more churning within the S&P 500 range of 1,100 to 1,200? These developing indicators may reveal the market's next move.

The Only Stock That Really Matters Today

The indices could rise into the upper range of resistance or be in for a big pullback.

What It Will Take to Change the Market’s Trend

A break above resistance could switch the overall trend from down to sideways.

Where Will This Rally End?

It is likely to run out of steam near the midpoint of the bearish flag.

What Are the Chances of a Year-End Rally?

The S&P 500 is in a resistance area, but a close above 1,150 could give way to higher levels.

Clues to Spot When a Bottom Is Forming

How to tell when an intermediate-term low in stocks may be coming.

The Number the Bulls Must Conquer

If investors can’t take out this level, the market is likely headed lower.

What’s Lurking in This Market?

The high VIX indicates violent selling could occur if investors are hit with bad news. Here's what to look for.

Is It Worth Laboring Over the Market Today?

The jobs report should cause a good deal of volatility, but few of the big players will be present.

Enjoy the Calm Before the Storm

The slump in market and political volatility looks like a temporary one.

Stay Out of the Path of Bernanke and Irene

It's best to keep directional exposure to a minimum into early next week.

High Volatility Usually Means It’s Time to Buy

Buying stocks when the VIX has soared above 40 has historically paid off.

Final High-Volume Sell-off May be in Order

The failure to hang onto the morning gain puts renewed pressure on the S&P 500’s reversal low.

Blue Chips Now Yield More Than Treasuries

Last week's panic was exciting, but relatively meaningless in the long term -- making this latest dip an attractive setting for high-quality big-cap stocks.

Covered Calls: A High-Volatility Crutch?

This options strategy isn't automatically the best in fearful markets.