Energy Stocks

Energy Stocks

Most people are familiar with law of conservation of energy: “energy cannot be created or destroyed”. However, looking at this theory through the lens of an economist, the law can be applied to the economy as well. Extraction of resources producing energy is a business, distribution of energy is a business, and consumption of energy to manufacture goods is a business. With energy being a vital part of the economy, it is in extremely high demand.
Because energy is and always will be in high demand, it is an extremely safe play for investors. However the plays an investor can make are endless. Energy can be invested in commodities such as crude oil or propane or in commodity ETFs. Energy stocks are also very prosperous with massive corporations such as Exxon Mobil (NYSE:XOM) and alternative energy stocks like SolarCity (NYSE:SCTY) among the best options.

Winners From Exxon’s Supersized Capex

No company can spend $185 billion in a bubble. Exxon Mobil hopes to bank off its huge five-year capex plan, but that money will flow through other stocks, too.

Playing Energy Master Limited Partnerships

Buy KED as a diversified and inexpensive way to take advantage of the growth in energy MLPs.

Royal Dutch Shell Stock: 3 Pros, 3 Cons

Royal Dutch Shell has shown weakness so far in 2012, but it's set up well for the long term -- and it sports a hefty dividend.

Exxon’s Massive Spending Plan Looks Right on the Money

It's budgeting $150 billion for exploration over the next five years. That's a really smart move that will keep it well ahead of its Big Oil rivals.

Don’t Blame Big Oil for Expensive Gas

Oil and gas prices might be rising, but the reasons aren't as clear-cut as it seems. Refinery and other energy stocks are good ways to play the increase.

4 Mutual Funds to Play the Oil Surge

Here are some top funds from -- Vanguard, Blackrock, Fidelity and Invesco -- to get exposure to the energy markets.

3 Energy Giants With Room to Boom

These three mega-cap energy stocks have scorching returns since the October bottom, and several factors point to yet more upside.

GE’s ‘Quarterback’ Has Great Field Vision

GE’s share price was sacked during the financial crisis and Great Recession, but CEO Jeff Immelt looks to stage a big comeback in 2012.

Is BP Back? Only Partly

Before investors get too excited over last week's $7.8 billion settlement, they should realize the deal is really just one small step.

Coal Stocks: Don’t Get Burned

They're down so hard, is up the only direction from here? Not necessarily. Use these charts as a guide before considering a trade.

The Arctic Awaits Energy Investors

Major oil & gas companies are making their moves into the Arctic's vast resources. Energy investors who want in early have a number of potential plays.

U.S. Becomes Net Oil-Product Exporter

Gasoline futures rise on reports of America's newfound status as net exporter; production focus shifts to distillate fuels, with diesel increasingly in demand.

Linn Energy to Buy BP Natural Gas Holdings

Linn Energy LLC is acquiring one of BP's recently auctioned production holdings, and stands to make substantial return from the investment.

Suncor Continues to Profit From the Oil Sands

Suncor's profits from the oil sands keep rising, and they will continue to do so as long as oil prices keep rising in 2012.

5 Reasons You’ll See $5 Gasoline in 2012

Geopolitical unrest across Africa as well as the Mideast leaves pump prices nowhere to go but up.

3 Energy Stocks With Insider Buying You Should Know About

These three large, well-known stocks are performing well, and have also shown significant buying from company insiders. It’s time for investors to sit up and take note.

Africa: The Next Great Energy Growth Story

Often ignored by investors, Africa is beginning to look like the next great energy breakout tale -- and a few companies are already primed to profit.

As Oil Prices Rally, Time to Buy Energy?

A host of factors are causing gas prices to skyrocket. Investors may find a silver lining in these two names.

‘Fracking’ Fund Among 11 New ETFs

Fifty-seven new ETF funds have been brought to market in 2012. Say hello to the newest 11.