Financial stocks

Regional Banks Aren’t Exactly on Fire

Their earnings haven't been disasters, but they've generally disappointed. Some business lines are gaining, while others face the same woes plaguing big banks.

4 Covered Call Trades to Love for February

Now is the time time to hunt for solid mid- to large-cap companies that have enough volatility to earn a good 2%-2.5% for selling February calls.

Schwab and Ameritrade Offer Market Insights

What are people with money doing with it? With both retail and institutional clients, Ameritrade and Schwab earnings provide a clue. Here's what we teased out.

Are America’s Big Banks on the Mend?

Despite mixed-to-disappointing Q4 earnings, most big banks' stocks have been booming. But the biggest question is: Where do they go from here?

Why Market Timing Is A Fool’s Game

So-called economic experts are routinely wrong in their predictions of short-term market movements for anywhere from a few weeks to a year out. So don't listen.

6 Financial Stocks to Dump Now

Despite the recent market upswing across the board, it is still too early to have faith in this financial stocks.

We’ve Found Cracks in the Market’s Armor

Cracks are starting to appear in the market's armor. But amid skids in financials and miners, there's some decent buys to be found.

Tuck Bank of America Into a Financial ETF

An ETF will help you absorb some of the risk in buying Bank of America on its own, but not all BAC holders are created equal. Here's where to turn.

After a Fast Start in 2012, Citi Could Fall Even Faster

With bank stocks generally up over 20% just this year, sentiment readings are getting rather frothy.

JPMorgan Earnings: Another Red Flag for Bank Stocks

Its poor results raise lots of questions, not only for this banking standard bearer but for its weaker financial brethren. Watch out below!

BofA Needs to Sell Countrywide and Merrill — Now

It missed the boat last spring to sell Countrywide and Merrill. It can't afford to let another chance slip by because big trouble is coming.

The Post-October Rally May Be Stalling

Despite the latest bullish hoopla, signs point the other way, and the S&P still hasn't closed above its Oct. 28 recovery peak of 1,285.

Top 6 Stocks to Buy for January

An improving picture could result in a breakout by the sectors most severely impacted by the recent recession. See which stocks top this month's buy list.

New Year’s Prediction #3: Finance, the Worst Sector of 2012

While homes are still getting foreclosed at alarming rates, banks like Citigroup and other mortgage lenders will suffer with the rest of the sector.

10 Financial Stocks to Get Rid of Now

There's nothing pretty about the state of the financial sector. If you haven't dumped these 10 big-name stocks, you should do so now.

Where Will You Put Your Money in 2012?

Two areas of the market are slated to do well in the upcoming months and year, but be wary of this one sector.

BB&T Is a Top Banking Buy for 2012

Momentum could push BB&T Corp. through major resistance. Get the target for BBT.

Rogue Traders: Not as Rare as You Think

It's only when their "unauthorized" bets go bad that they make news. Otherwise, what the so-called rogues do is business as usual.

2 More Major Indices Issue Sell Signals

The Dow industrials and transports are breaking down just as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq did.