Pharmaceutical Stocks

Pharmaceutical stocks have grown tremendously as medicine advances. With diseases like Covid-19, diabetes, liver disease and other illnesses affecting more and more of the population, pharmaceutical companies are racing to find cures – further advancing medicine and driving pharma stock prices higher.

Big Pharma corporations like AstraZeneca, Merck & Co., Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are leading the charge against the novel coronavirus, competing with smaller biotech names — such as Moderna and Novavax. The race to find a Covid-19 vaccine has sent both pharma and biotech stocks to the moon.

Pfizer Spares Patients From Erectile Dysfunction Embarrassment

Pfizer has created an industry first by selling its successful Viagra pill directly to consumers -- a move that has implications for major drugmakers and pharmacies alike.

Viagra About to Be Available Online

Drugmaker Pfizer is taking Viagra online and selling it directly to patients on its own website.

3 Pharma Stocks to Buy Into Earnings

We'll learn a lot about healthcare names over the course of this earnings season -- I'm expecting big things from these three drugmakers.

Acadia Booms, But Has a Long Way to Go

ACADIA Pharmaceuticals rocketed to 64% gains yesterday on good news regarding its Parkinson's disease treatment ... but let's not put the cart before the horse.

Bulls vs. Bears: Can Biogen Keep Booming?

Biogen has been soaring on news of its recent drug approval, but the question remains when it can keep it up. Here are the bullish and bearish arguments.

India Drops Patent Bomb on Novartis

India's ruling on a Novartis patent draws a clear line of favor between generic drug companies and Big Pharma.

FDA Approves Novel Type 2 Diabetes Drug

A new treatment for type 2 diabetes has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Biotech Movers: Acadia Jumps, Affymax Crashes

Last week, Acadia Pharmaceuticals rode the winds of good clinical results, while news of mass layoffs sent Affymax crashing again.

FDA Intensifies Warning on Common ‘Z-Pak’ Antibiotic

The Food and Drug Administration is requiring tougher language in the warning labels for azithromycin, an antibiotic, after a study showed an elevelated risk.

Biotech Movers: Peregrine, PharmAthene Climb on Analyst Coverage

Last week in biotech news, Peregrine and PharmAthene both climbed on bullish analyst coverage. Also, find out why Sequenom shed double-digits in one day.

Newborn Cured of HIV

A little girl in Mississippi, who was born infected with HIV, was apparently cured of the disease after receiving a three drug cocktail shortly after birth.

Biotech Movers: Affymax Crashes on Recall

Last week, shares of Affymax got hammered when the company pulled back units of its sole commercial drug. Plus, find out what sent the biggest gainers skyward.

Anemia Drug Recalled After Patient Deaths

Omontys, a drug meant to treat anemia in dialysis patients, from Affymax has been recalled after a number of patients died shortly after receiving it.

Top 10 Dow Dividend Stocks for February

Income investors could do a lot worse than buying into these venerable blue chips -- especially the stock that continues to hold the crown.

How to Ride Mylan’s Steady Rise

A covered call strategy is perfect for this tortoise of a stock. The generic-drug maker is creeping to new highs without much overhead resistance.

3 Healthcare Stocks Ready for a Breather

It's the hottest sector in the S&P 500 so far this year, and that means some big-name pullbacks are likely. Here are three likely candidates.

Flu’s Pain Is All Gain for These Companies

As this year's flu season intensifies, so do the profits for some businesses such as vaccine makers, pharmacies and even certain food and beverage makers.

OPKO Health’s Healthy Buyout Binge

This healthcare name is rapidly building up a business worth watching. And the possibility of OPKO itself getting bought out isn't too remote.

Surprise! Dendreon Doesn’t Stink Anymore

It took three years, but this biotech may be quietly finding its footing as its innovative Provenge prostate-cancer fighter gains credibility.