Pharmaceutical Stocks

Pharmaceutical stocks have grown tremendously as medicine advances. With diseases like Covid-19, diabetes, liver disease and other illnesses affecting more and more of the population, pharmaceutical companies are racing to find cures – further advancing medicine and driving pharma stock prices higher.

Big Pharma corporations like AstraZeneca, Merck & Co., Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are leading the charge against the novel coronavirus, competing with smaller biotech names — such as Moderna and Novavax. The race to find a Covid-19 vaccine has sent both pharma and biotech stocks to the moon.

Why Pfizer Has to Buy Agila Injectable Drugs

A quick infusion of generic drugs -- via India's Agila Specialties -- could lessen the blow from Pfizer's expiring patents.

Biotech Movers: Dendreon Pops, ArQule Drops

An analyst upgrade on DNDN lifted the shares 21% last Friday, but mid-stage trial failure of a colorectal drug sank ARQL 11% the same day.

Now That the Vivus Dust Has Settled …

The diet-drug maker deserves a second -- more optimistic -- look after the hype and unmeetable expectations have passed.

Alcoa: From Bellwether to Red Herring

Alcoa's fourth-quarter earnings expectations look rosy -- which is better than you can say for the broader market

Flu Season: Where Investors Can Find Relief

This year's flu looks particularly troublesome, but that's good new for the many companies that benefit from flu sufferers' ills. Here's a look at some of them.

Mylan Has the Rx for Portfolio Growth

Warning: Possible side effects of owning this pharmaceutical stock include outsized portfolio growth.

ETF Alternatives for Last Week’s Hot Stocks

Some of InvestorPlace's top stock picks in energy, dividend, pharmaceutical, home furnishings and financial stocks can be wrapped up into exchange-traded funds.

Which Abbott Is the One to Own Post-Split?

Both offer good prospects, but if you can choose just one, AbbVie -- which is the device and diagnostics side -- looks a tad more promising than the pharma arm.

Top 10 Dow Dividend Stocks for December

Income investors could do a lot worse than buying into these venerable blue chips, but some only have great yields thanks to a not-so-hot year.

S&P 500 Ends Its Streak — Thursday’s IP Market Recap

The markets ended in the red for the day in the wake of Boehner's fiscal cliff remarks, and in the face of strong retail sales and a sharp slide in jobless claims.

Big Pharma: 2012-13’s Flu Vaccine Field

Here's a look at the various big pharma stocks that could see a bump from an early start to this year's flu season.

Stocks at New Highs, New Lows for 12/4

Get the scoop on today's big moves. See which stock hit a new 52-week high, and one that found a new 52-week low.

Effective Alzheimer’s Drugs May Be Just Three Years Away

New research, both by scientists and the big drug companies, is leading to increased hope for sufferers of Alzheimer's disease.

Biotech Movers: Acadia Rockets on Trial News

Acadia Pharmaceuticals leads the way with a week of eye-popping gains. Plus: Why Exelixis and Supernus took tough tumbles.

‘Boardwalk Empire,’ Obamacare and Healthcare Stocks

The Prohibition era has lessons for today's investors. Soon, Washington will be the only healthcare player in town. That's when you short these stocks.

Biotech Movers: Regeneron Pops, 3 Flop

While Regeneron soared on behind its macular degeneration treatment, Dynavax, Navidea and AspenBio suffered serious setbacks.

4 Attractive Biopharma Stocks of All Sizes

Biopharma is a high-growth niche in a defensive sector, but you need to balance risk with reward. Here are four hot biopharma stocks of different sizes.

Novartis Touts Pipeline of Blockbuster Drugs

Novartis says that it could produce 14 or more top-selling new drugs over the next five years as it expands its pipeline of new medications.

China’s Diabetes Epidemic Boosts Big Pharma

The world's largest population of diabetics is growing alarmingly, and combating it raises the prospects for names like Merck, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi.