Pharmaceutical Stocks

Pharmaceutical stocks have grown tremendously as medicine advances. With diseases like Covid-19, diabetes, liver disease and other illnesses affecting more and more of the population, pharmaceutical companies are racing to find cures – further advancing medicine and driving pharma stock prices higher.

Big Pharma corporations like AstraZeneca, Merck & Co., Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are leading the charge against the novel coronavirus, competing with smaller biotech names — such as Moderna and Novavax. The race to find a Covid-19 vaccine has sent both pharma and biotech stocks to the moon.

9 Pharma Buys for a Healthy Portfolio

Their dividends are attractive, and some drugmakers have made great progress in refilling their pipelines.

Why Investors Needn’t Fear the ‘Patent Cliff’

Expiring drug patents can cost pharma stocks billions of dollars, but companies and investors alike can prepare themselves well in advance.

6 Dividend Stocks You Need to Watch

Utilities, a REIT, a pharma, a bond fund and a preferred fund that are worth keeping an eye on.

FDA Considers Waiving Prescription Requirement for Key Drugs

The FDA is considering a proposal to waive the prescription requirement for key drugs and encourage easy access to computer-supported self-diagnostic tools.

10 Pharma Blue Chips to Buy

There are a number of great companies in pharma if you know where to look.

4 High-Risk, High-Return Covered Calls

A look at stocks you can buy that might not be a great idea to hold for the long term, but that you actually want to get called away after selling calls against them.

4 Stocks to Watch on Dendreon Earnings

Here's a look at how to trade Dendreon on Monday's earnings report, as well as similar smaller companies that tend to move when DNDN moves.

5 Ways Alex Gorsky Can Heal Ailing J&J

Here's why Alex Gorsky, former captain in the U.S. Army Rangers, has what it takes to lead the health-care giant out of its morass.

Why Illumina’s Future Remains Bright

Rejection of Roche's takeover bid has cooled ILMN shares, but many expect Roche to step up its advances. If not, Illumina still has great growth prospects.

2 Stocks to Watch for the Earnings Junkies

Canadian oil extractor Cenovus and international pharmaceutical company Teva announced positive earnings reports lately. See how they each stack up.

Overreacting to a Prostate Cancer Drug?

Medivation shares are soaring on positive test results. But investors may be getting ahead of reality here.

Amylin Gets a Boost From Its Diabetes Drug Approval

FDA approval of Bydureon -- a once-a-week injectable drug -- could make Amylin a takeover target for a Big Pharma.

Someone Has to Crunch All That Clinical Trial Data

That's where a slew of info-tech companies, ranging from giant Oracle to tiny BioClinica, come in. However, investing is them is no slam dunk.

Small Patient Population? Charge $400K a Year for Your Drug

Companies like BioMarin Pharmaceutical are cashing in on rare diseases, where they can charge hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for their drugs.

Do Magic Mushrooms Hold the Key to Treating Depression?

Controversial British researcher touting use of "magic mushroom" compound psilocybin in treating depression as illegal drugs move further into pharma forefront.

If Novartis’ MS Drug Falters, Biogen Will Gain

After the deaths of 11 people who were taking the drug, concerns that Gilenya may cause heart problems has hit NVS hard, ending the stock's months-long upswing.

The Little Guys Are Pharma’s New Stars

Small and midsize drugmakers are where the action is -- in both research and M&A activity. For healthy dividends, however, Big Pharma still rules.

XLV Provides a Healthy Dose of Pfizer

If the health care sector is a must-have for your portfolio, and Pfizer is at the top of that list -- here's a way to get a healthier dose.

Are Pharma’s ‘Good Old Days’ Gone Forever?

You bet they are: Patent losses, a higher bar for FDA approvals, and slew of smaller, nimbler rivals have reshaped the industry.